Bbq sauce

Bbq sauce

Oleh Aaron, Yields about 3 1/2 cups bbq sauce

Waktu Memasak
80 Mins

Informasi dari Cookpad

726.741 Resep

Langkah Memasak

Langkah 1
In a medium saucepan, incorporate all the ingredients above. Once mixture is combine turn on heat and bring mixture to a boil. Once the mixture comes to a boil reduce heat to a simmer.
Langkah 2
Cook uncovered, stirring frequently, for 1 hour 15 minutes.
Langkah 3
Then let it cool down. If not using immediately I like to make sure it's completely cooled then store it in a jar in the refrigerator till use.


    2 cups ketchup
    1 cup water
    1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
    7 Tbsp light brown sugar
    7 Tbsp sugar
    1/2 Tbsp ground black pepper
    1/2 Tbsp onion powder
    1 Tbsp lemon juice
    1 Tbsp worcestershire sauce
    dash liquid smoke
    to taste ground Sriracha
    3 Tbsp hershey cocoa powder


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