Beef Brisket

Beef Brisket

Oleh Stephanie Goldman

Waktu Memasak
4 Hrs
10-12 Servings

Informasi dari Cookpad

726.741 Resep

Langkah Memasak

Langkah 1
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Langkah 2
Place brisket fat side up in shallow roasting pan. Spread garlic evenly over brisket. Sprinkle with pepper & onion salt.
Langkah 3
In medium bowl, combine chili sauce, beef broth, worcestershire sauce, & brown sugar. Pour over brisket. Cover with foil or roasting lid.
Langkah 4
Roast brisket for 2 hours.
Langkah 5
Turn over brisket. Spoon sauce over brisket. Arrange potatoes & carrots around brisket in sauce. Recover with foil.
Langkah 6
Bake for 2 more hours.
Langkah 7
Place some foil on cutting board. Transfer brisket onto foil. Wrap in foil. Let rest for 10 minutes.
Langkah 8
Stir vegetables in sauce. Spoon off fat from juices & discard fat.
Langkah 9
Take brisket out of foil & place on cutting board. Slice brisket diagonally across the grain into thin slices. Serve.


    2 1/2-5 lbs beef brisket
    4 garlic cloves, minced
    1/2 tsp black pepper
    1 tsp onion salt
    12 oz chili sauce
    2 lbs red potatoes, cut in quarters
    1 lb baby carrots
    3/4 cup beef broth
    2 tbsp worcestershire sauce
    1 tbsp firmly packed brown sugar


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